There are a lot of ways your contribution to the Rec can make a difference.
The gardening group maintains the flowers, shrubs and vegetables in the raised beds as well as planting bulbs and maintaining the area around the beech tree grove with the low willow fence around it.
The watering group work on a roster to keep the raised beds watered throughout the summer. The adopt-a-tree scheme is where individuals take responsibility for one tree and keep it watered throughout the summer.
Pond maintenance
This group maintains the area both in and around the pond and has recently made a magnificent dry hedge at the back of the area.
Action days
Every year we have multi-generational action days to carry out specific larger jobs that require attention, eg. building the raised beds. These days are advertised in our newsletter.
Litter Collection
We have an amazing number of anonymous litter collectors who quietly go about their business at all times of the day to help keep the Rec tidy. One was spotted recently going around the fence-line outside of the Rec after the Council had cut back the undergrowth which was a major job in itself. We are very grateful to everyone who helps out in this way.
The Events Team are always on the look out for volunteers offering lots of different ways you can help out:
Pre-event assistance:
Finding sponsors
On event days:
Setting up
Clearing down
Helping on a stall
Running an activity
On-hand for emergencies (we ran out of Easter eggs!!)
Be a First Aider (free coures available through the Kingston Voluntary Action)
Enthusiastic free thinkers:
Emailing us with ideas for activities to hold on the Rec
Joining the events team
Bouncing around new ideas for events
Helping make things happen
We've had some lovely new ideas for events on the Rec including activities for children and youths over the summer, films, table-top sales, summer evening concerts, a music festival, vegetable market, second-hand games/toy swaps and family fun afternoons.
The more volunteers we have, the more we can do.
Please email us on hello.folar@gmail.com if you would ike to be involved in any of these grounds - or if you can't at the moment, please give them a smile as you pass by.

Creating a sensory garden