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Working with Kingston Council we have completed the avenue of Field Maples across the centre of the Rec.and replaced a lime that was blown down many years ago.  The Faith Forum donated 2 Liquidambars and 3 oaks, The Orchard project donated 5 fruit trees and local people donated 6 Silver Birch....24 trees in all! All planted by volunteers!


We discovered several elms on the Rec behind the pond and butterfly enthusiasts got very excited because this is the habitat for the rare “White Letter Hairstreak Butterfly". On a sunny day from mid-June we are looking out for them twirling upwards from the canopy like small dark specks.

Meadow and Nettles
We have some excellent patches of nettles which are the essential habitat for the caterpillars of many butterflies. This year we are delighted that the Council has left the borders of the Rec un-mown and even in the first year we are seeing many flowers and insects.
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